Join us for a Ministry Enrichment Opportunity on Saturday, February 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m at Wayside Presbyterian Church. This Intergenerational Pathways Workshop runs about 90 minutes if you are attending in-person. This workshop is an excellent place to begin as you explore ways to become a more intentionally intergenerational congregation. Evaluate your current ministry areas through an intergenerational lens. Learn why gathering multiple generations together helps to cultivate Christ-centered community.
Workshop Leader – In addition to her full-time role as Pastor at Sampson’s Mills Presbyterian Church, White Oak, PA, the Rev. Jessica McClure-Archer serves as a workshop leader for GenOn Ministries. Jessica is passionate about bringing the generations together to deepen relationships and foster intentional intergenerational community. Follow this link to learn more: GenOn Ministries
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