February 2025
Tragic Fire in Girl’s Dormitory in Saboba, Ghana: With a broken heart, I share the news that a young female student named Theresa lost her life in a recent fire. This happened in one of the Upper Northern Presbytery’s High Schools. Please pray for the family, loved ones, students, staff, and community. Condolences may be sent to me to pass on. Contributions towards a rebuilding fund may be sent to the Presbytery of Lake Erie, Ghana Partnership Fund. Thank you.
Peace of Christ,
Donna Cammarata, Presbytery of Lake Erie Ghana Partnership Coordinator, Ghana Mission Network Coordinator
GenOn Ministries: All are welcome to a presentation from GenOn Ministries on how to do church life that ALL ages can be engaged in, followed by a workshop on developing inter-generational events. Tuesday, May 20th at 4:30 p.m. before the Presbytery Meeting at Wayside Presbyterian Church. GenOn Ministries – May 20th
Presbyterian Women: SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, April 5th will be the PW Spring Gathering at First Presbyterian Church of Oil City. More details to follow. Please mark your calendars and Save this Date!
Resources for Ruling Elders: Ruling elders are called to ministry in partnership with teaching elders. Within this calling, ruling elders have responsibilities in several areas of the life of the church including exercise in leadership, governance, spiritual discernment, and discipline. Click Here for a resource seeking to lift up the specific responsibilities while also providing an opportunity to reflect upon how they are lived out.